A funny thing happened to me on the way to an internet forum.
Making Elements
Trying my hand at "working smarter, not harder" in order to easily create multiple elements to insert into the DOM.
SPA's Brain
I wrote a webapp to handle the most tedious parts of a favorite game I play from time to time, Star Fleet Battles.
Page Matching
When you create a lot of A/B testing scenarios, one of the most important things is to get page matching right. Here I guide you through an example.
Finding a Parent
Function to find the closest parent of an element with a given tag name, class, or ID using only vanilla JavaScript
Get Random Value From Array
I do a lot of coding...A LOT... but most of it is very proprietary or relies upon client architecture.
Hello World
Are we on the internet?
Well after a hiatus of great length, I believe I finally got a stable version